What Is This Recognition In memory of Vivek Ananthan, one deserving scout per year will be presented with the Troop 12 Vivek Ananthan Memorial Scout Spirit Recognition.  During the year, troop advisors will take note of scouts that demonstrate:
At the January Troop Committee Meeting, advisors will nominate scouts for the recognition. The Troop Committee will review all nominations and determine the best deserving scout.  At the January Troop Court of Honor, the chosen scout will be recognized for the Troop 12 Vivek Ananthan Memorial Scout Spirit Recognition. The chosen scout will:
Who Is Vivek Ananthan Vivek Ananthan is a Troop 12 Eagle Scout who departed this world too soon. Vivek will be remembered for his kind soul, generous heart, scouting spirit and forever and always his endearing smile. A self-motivated individual, Vivek embodied the essence of scouting spirit; lending moral support and selflessly being a mentor and teacher to younger cub scouts and boy scouts.  While working on his life scout rank advancement, Vivek knew he was shy on his outing requirements. Self-motivated, Vivek called his Scoutmaster on a Sunday evening and discussed options for attaining his outing requirements, eager to reach the ultimate scouting plateau, Eagle Scout. He called not to ask for an exception, not to ask for an extension, not to ask for ideas, but to discuss his plan for meeting the Troop’s outing requirements. The Webelos-II den from Pack 12 was to attend an upcoming weekend outdoor winter skills festival. Vivek proposed attending the event with the Webelos-II den, mentoring the younger scouts through the scouting skills; making the event fun, memorable and educational. To this day, those Webelos-II scouts forever were touched by Vivek’s scouting spirit. This is one of many examples of Vivek’s scout spirit. During a joint Troop 12 Boy Scout and Pack 12 Webelos-II campout, Vivek again demonstrated both spirit and leadership. As one of the elder teenage boy scouts, it would have been easy to ignore the cub scouts and create an older scout clique. Not Vivek’s style. He and the older scouts organized themselves to take time from their weekend to spend quality one-on-one time with the cub scouts helping them complete their Arrow Of Light requirements. Although Vivek will be physically missed, his soul and spirit forever survive in the hearts of those who had the pleasure of knowing him and the honor of scouting aside of him. |