LETTER FROM THE COMMITTEE Dear Troop 12 Families, As you are hopefully aware by now, Pennsylvania enacted PAAct 153 into law in October 2014 which is designed to increase the safety ofchildren by requiring background checks and child abuse clearances for allvolunteers and staff who are responsible for children. This law impacts all organizations who serveyouth, including the Boy Scouts of America. The Troop Committee is providing this letter to our Troop 12 families sothat you understand the impacts to our Troop and the volunteers who help thescouts as they follow the journey to Eagle. The Troop Committee appreciates the many ways that familiesvolunteer their time and efforts and hope that the requirements passed down byPennsylvania will not deter those efforts from continuing. Minsi Trails Council has provided information to each unitoutlining the requirements. Understandthat this is not originating as a Troop 12 policy, an Asbury UMC policy, oreven a BSA policy, but a PA State Law. We are working within the framework of the law, which may be furtheradjusted by the legislators and/or Governor. What clearances are required?
o FBI fingerprint based Federal Criminal History($27.50 fee) https://www.pa.cogentid.com/index_dpw.htm o Minsi Trails Council Disclosure Statement forVolunteers Affidavit if you have been a continuous resident of Pennsylvania forthe entire past 10 years – no cost (seeattached) When must clearances be completed?
Who must have clearances?
o Uniformed leaders (Scoutmaster and AssistantScoutmasters); o Merit Badge Counselors o Registered leaders that interact with the scouts– Committee Chair, Advancement Chair, Fundraising Chair o Parents that have oversight of scouts, thiswould include: § All parents on a campout; § All parents driving scouts – to/from a campoutor activity
How do I submit the clearances?
How often are these required?
Thank you for your attention to this new requirement. If you have any questions, please feel freeto contact Brian or Anne-Marie and we will do our best to answer your question.
Sincerely, Anne-Marie Kane BrianHarman Troop 12 Committee Chair Troop12 Scoutmaster HELPFUL HINTS Organization Name & Phone Number: Boy Scouts of America Minsi Trails Council - (610) 264-8551 USEFUL LINKS
Only use the following IF AND ONLY IF you have NOT been a continuous resident of Pennsylvania for the entire past 10 years |
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