

Information Coming soon for:
  • Popcorn
  • Applebees
  • St Luke's 1/2 Marathon

Applebee's - 2019

March 23, 2019

We need a minimum of 50 people.  Max 300.  We’veasked each scout to sell 4 tickets at $7 each to go towards the troop as awhole & anything over that goes towards the individual’s scout account.

I reached out to Laurie at Asbury about selling tickets tothe congregation in the parlor in March & Israel responded asking if we’dlike to sell tickets this Sunday, for Scout Sunday.  I’m all in favor, butDan & I are working that day.  We can get there early & set up,but we can’t stay.  I’ll bring flyers and tickets.  Israel suggestedwe reach out to Steve Chappelear to see if he would announce it when he speaks,but I haven’t followed through with him yet.  I was waiting for feedbackbefore I proceed.  It sounds like Laura can help Sunday — anyone else havean opinion or time to help before I contact Steve?

Each plate comes with pancakes & pork sausage.  Wecan serve turkey sausage if we provide it.  I talked to the managerbriefly and if we provide sausage they may charge us a little less per plate. Do we want to pursue this?  

Please contact Sheri Miltenberger for details.

St. Luke's 1/2 Marathon - 2019

April 27, 2019

Working the St. Luke's half marathon event is a huge fundraiser for the Troop.  Volunteers will help with things like runner registration, shirt handouts, etc.  There are age restrictions on who can volunteer.  Family, friends and extended family all all welcome to volunteer.

Please contact Sheri Miltenberger for details and to volunteer.

Popcorn - 2017

Show & Sell 

Matt M. has coordinated popcorn Show & Sells at Asbury Church. Matt M. contacted the church office to set up the Showand Sell.  He avoided the weekends of our campouts.  The dates for theShow and Sell they are Sunday, October 15th and 22nd. Matt M. will bring a sign upsheet to the Troop meetings.

Popcorn Forms 

Mrs Lyle will be handed out popcorn order forms August 14th. For those of you unable to attend that meeting, remember to get your form at the next troop meeting. All order forms will be due atthe Court of Honor on Monday, October 30th. 

Here are some samplequestions you, and your customers may have about popcorn?

Why is it soexpensive? 

This is a good question,yet the answer is so simple. Because the profit margins are so high. Each boyin this troop will earn 37% of what he sells to go into his individual scoutaccount. This is money the scout can use for annual dues, food money formonthly camping trips and payments on big trips like Sea Base, Philmont and thelike. Additionally 36% goes to Minsi Trails Council, funding all sorts ofthings from campgrounds like Akelaland and Trexler Scout Camp, programming forboys and training for our leaders. So, if you break it down:

A $10 bag of caramel cornwill yield $3.70 for the boy scout and $3.60 for Minsi Trails council. If yousell 10 of these bags, you earn $37.00. You can see how the money can add upquickly.

I don't like or I can'teat popcorn.

We still offer white chocolaty pretzels for those unable to enjoy popcorn. But for those who do notwant them, there is the military donation. The order form has a column for a$50 and $30 military donation which will buy popcorn for our military men andwomen, their families and veterans' organizations. Scouts will still earn 37%profit on these sales as well. 

What is a show and selland will our troop have one?

A show and sell is atroop event where we set up tables and sell popcorn in a public location. It isakin to the Girl Scouts' cookie booth sale, except participating Boy Scoutsprofit far greater than the Girl Scouts. Having a show and sell requiresplanning and participation on behalf of scouts and parents. If enough parentsand scouts are interested, we can plan a show and sell. Ideas for locations tosell and when to sell need to be discussed. I encourage the boys to discussthis during patrol time to get a feel for interest, and further discuss withparents. I can be contacted anytime via email for further information. I cantell you that any show and sell would have to take place in October, requiringme to place a show and sell order by September 15th.

If you have any furtherquestions, please ask an adviser or contact me. 

Happy Selling!

Mrs. Morgan

St. Lukes' Half Marathon - 2017

Saturday, April 22, 2017. 

Although we are in thethick of winter, we need to look ahead to spring. Everyone please add an eventto your calendar now....The St Luke's Half Marathon Expo on Saturday April 22,2017. You have a choice of three shifts:

8:30- Noon- We need 2 adults and 6 people 14 and over

11:30-3pm-We need 2 adults and 6 people 14 and over    

2:30-5:30- We need 2 adults and 6 people 14 and over

Information For Saturday
Thank you to all of our volunteers for the St. Luke’s HalfMarathon & 5K Expo on Saturday April 22rd at the Holiday Inn at Center CityAllentown at 9th & Hamilton.  The Expo is being heldin the hotel ballroom. We will meet in the lobby as a group 15 minutesbefore the start of the shift and then  go to the conference room to signin and pick up our volunteer shirts that we will be wearing. 

Please keep in mind that there will be road closures from 2:00-4:30 dueto the Kid’s Run:

1)      9th St fromLinden to Walnut 

2)      Hamilton from 8th to10th

See the FAQ area below for more information.

What is The St Luke'sHalf Marathon Expo?

Great question! It isthe most profitable day for Troop 12 Fundraising. If we fill all three shifts,we have the potential to earn $900 for the day. We hand out shirts, bags, powerbars or whatever they tell us to hand out. We smile, welcome the runners andhave fun. It's easy, it's inside and did I mention it is fun? Your shift isover before you know it. 

Sorry middle schoolboys, but the race committee is very strict about this. But your parent orolder sibling (14 and over) can attend. This time CANNOT  be used as service hours.

Volunteers Urgently Needed

Troop 12 families,

The St. Luke's1/2 Marathon is fast approaching on Saturday, April 22, 2017.

We are over 58percent full - please see the attached sign-up sheet (as sent via Troop 12 Yahoo Mail Group).  If you are 14 orolder, please consider donating 3.5 hours to help the troop make $900.  Weare still in need of an adult for the 1st and 3rd shifts.

If you are ableto help, please let me know.  Thank you.

Brian Harman


Where shouldwe park?

Street parking is an option but do not count on it - and if you do find something you will need to pay for meter parking.

Suggest parking in one of the Allentown city parking decks.  The closest would be the Spiral Deck (the old Hess's Deck) with an entry on Linden Street between 8th and 9th.  Parking in that lot is free that day.  

For more details on parking and directions, go to the following link and click the Parking & Directions tab:

Is there a carpool option?

Always.  Parents and scouts would need to coordinate that among themselves.

Are roads closedthat we need to know about?

The St. Luke's youth run is that Saturday between 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM.  Start and finish take place in front of PPL Plaza, 9th and Hamilton Streets.  Hamilton Street will be closed from 8th to 11th Streets from 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Where do we meetthe group?

We will meet in the Holiday Inn hotel lobby as a group 15 minutes before the start of the shift and then  go tothe conference room to sign in and pick up our volunteer shirts that we will bewearing.

What do the boyswear?  

Comfortable clothing.  NO CLASS A!  No need to wear scouting attire.  You will be given a long sleeve volunteer shirt that you will be required to wear for the duration of your volunteer time.  If its hot and you wish - wear shorts.  If its cold and you wish - wear jeans.  Whatever shirt you wear - remember you will have to put a long sleeve shirt over top.  Just be comfortable.

Should adults wearanything in particular?

Comfortable clothing.  NO CLASS A for advisers!  No need to wear scouting attire.  You will be given a long sleeve volunteer shirt that you will be required to wear for the duration of your volunteer time.  If its hot and you wish - wear shorts.  If its cold and you wish - wear jeans.  Whatever shirt you wear - remember you will have to put a long sleeve shirt over top.  Just be comfortable.

What is the official St. Luke's Half Marathon Website?

What type of work will we be doing?

Depends on what the Race Organizers decide they need us to do.  In the past we have worked T-Shirt handout, Swag Bag handout, Racer Registration, etc.  Whatever the task, you will be given necessary instructions on what to do and where to be.

Do I leave immediately after my shift is over?

For first and second shift workers, you will be directed to leave after your replacements have registered and are ready to start working.  For third shift workers, you will leave once everything is cleaned up and instructed by the race organizers.

Are we provided with food and beverages?

You will get the occasional bottle of water.  Other than that, you are on your own.  Need your coffee first thing in the morning?  Bring it or be prepared to find the nearest coffee shop - and there are plenty around the area.  Once you start your shift you will not have time to venture out to get food or drinks.  OK - maybe they will let you go the bathroom ;-)

Will I get overwhelmed when volunteering?

No way.  It is a fun day and everyone there is very friendly.  The racers are always appreciative of the volunteers and almost everyone thanks you for helping.

Is the workload constant?

Not usually.  There will be times when you get a lull of people and there is little to do.  There may be times you get a swarm of people and you have more than enough to do.  I would expect a continuous flow of people through making your volunteer time go by very fast.

Trails End Popcorn - 2016

Popcorn selling has begun!

Order forms have already been provided a the Monday night's meetings. Set a goal, practice your sales pitch, encourage your customers to support scouting by selling popcorn. Tell them your goal and what you plan to do with the money you are earning. (Summer camp, Philmont, membership dues, activities)

Important Popcorn Dates:
October 31:       Order Forms due before or no later than at the October 31st Troop Meeting.
November 19:    Popcorn pick up at Asbury - Morning
December 5:      Popcorn Money due *Please submit one check, made out to Troop 12 on this date*

Applebees Flapjack Breakfast - 2016

Saturday, February 27th. Breakfast is served 8-10 AM. 

Join us forthis fun filled morning of serving and learning. All volunteers must attend abrief training session at 7:30 AM. I will have two shifts available to choosefrom: 7:30-9:00 AM and 9:00 -10:30 AM. The idea is you work one shift and eat withyour family during the other. This is a troop fundraiser; each scout will begiven 5 tickets to sell. If a scout sells more than 5 tickets, the proceedswill go to his scout account. See Mrs Morgan if you need more tickets.

The Applebee's Flapjackfundraiser is fast approaching! We will be serving up yummy pancakes and goodcheer on Saturday, February 27th from 8-10am. We still need scouts and parentsto sign up for various positions, especially the 9-10:30 shift. Applebee's asksthat all volunteers report at 7:30 for a mandatory training session and tour ofthe kitchen. 

ALL SCOUTS are responsible to sell 5 tickets, as this is a troop fundraiser. If you sell more than 5, theproceeds will go to your scout account. I will have your tickets and sign upsheets at tonight's meeting. I will also have tickets for sale at the door themorning of the event. Parents, please submit a check for the total amount ofthe tickets sales at your earliest convenience. Tickets are $7 each. Please putyour scout's name(s) in the memo line.

St. Lukes' Half Marathon - 2014

Saturday, April 23, 2016. 

Troop 12 has been able tosecure all 3 shifts to distribute shirts for the St. Luke's Half Marathon Expo leveraging my relationship with the race director. I will bring sign up sheets to the Court of Honor on Monday night. I will need firm commitments from those signing up as the race committee will be conducting head counts for the shifts. Should we not have enough at each shift, the troop forfeits that shifts money ($300/shift).

We need a total of 8 people per shift (race committee request) of at least high school age or older. Unfortunately, this is not something for younger scouts. We are considered ambassadors to the Lehigh Valley, as we are the runners first introduction to the race. Being this is a Troop event, a minimum of 2 adults are required, the rest can be comprised of scouts or adults - per shift. Parents, this is a great opportunity to support the troop.

Trails End Popcorn - 2016

Popcorn selling has begun!

Order forms have already been provided a the Monday night's meetings. Set a goal, practice your sales pitch, encourage your customers to support scouting by selling popcorn. Tell them your goal and what you plan to do with the money you are earning. (Summer camp, Philmont, membership dues, activities)

Important Popcorn Dates:
October ?:         Show and Sell at Asbury 8:30-Noon
October ?:         Order Forms due by October 21st Court of Honor.
November ?:      Popcorn pick up at Asbury - Morning
December ?:      Popcorn Money due *Please submit one check, made out to Troop 12 on this date*
Aluminum Cans - 2016

The troop gathers aluminum cans all year round.  Bring in your rinsed, dried and crushed aluminum cans.

Trails End Popcorn - 2015

Popcorn selling has begun!

Order forms have already been provided a the Monday night's meetings. Set a goal, practice your sales pitch, encourage your customers to support scouting by selling popcorn. Tell them your goal and what you plan to do with the money you are earning. (Summer camp, Philmont, membership dues, activities)

Important Popcorn Dates:
October 4:         Show and Sell at Asbury 8:30-Noon
October 26:       Order Forms due by October 21st Court of Honor.
November 22:    Popcorn pick up at Asbury - Morning
December 7:      Popcorn Money due *Please submit one check, made out to Troop 12 on this date*
Aluminum Cans - 2015

The troop gathers aluminum cans all year round.  Bring in your rinsed, dried and crushed aluminum cans.

Applebees Flapjack Breakfast - 2014

The Applebees Flapjack Fundraiser is on Saturday March 29th from 8:00 - 10:00 AM.  Every scout is required to sell 5 tickets for the breakfast.  If you sell more than 5 tickets, the extra proceeds your raise will be deposited in your scout account.  Unfortunately, the tickets are not yet available, but a flyer has been provided at the Feb 24 troop meeting.

We also need scouts and parents to volunteer to be greeters, seaters, pancake servers, beverage servers and bussers.  A sign up sheet is available at Troop meetings.

This should be a fun and yummy event.

St. Lukes' Half Marathon - 2014

Below you will find all the information that was given to me bySt. Luke's in red text. It includes, where to report, parking, and road closureinfo. THERE IS NO NEED TO ARRIVE 30 MINUTES EARLIER, AS I ALREADY BUILT THISTIME INTO YOUR SHIFT. You will need to wear the shirt they provide you, so beprepared to layer or change. Last year, the ballroom was quite warm and theshirts were long sleeves. Those who will be working later shifts, please beadvised that this area will be congested with the hundreds of people who willbe participating in the race the following day. Please allow yourself ampletime to arrive at the start of your shift.  

Shift 1: 8:30AM – 12PM

(includes set-up)

Shift 2: 11:30 AM - 3:00 PM


Shift 3: 2:30PM - 5:30 PM (includes helping with clean-up)

1   Lead Adult:  MRS. MORGAN

1   Lead Adult: MRS. ZEIGENFUS

1   Lead Adult: MRS. LYLE

2   W. PREHL


2  M.  LYLE



3  K.  AVILA
















If for some reason you are unable to fulfill your commitment,please let me know ASAP. My cell phone is 610-709-4039. If you have any otherquestions, please let me know. I have attached the schedule in a word documentfor your review.

Thanks again for helping the Troop!

Rachel Morgan

This is your final friendly reminder that youhave volunteered to work at the St. Luke’s Half Marathon & 5K Expo onSaturday April 26th at the Holiday Inn at Center City Allentown at9th & Hamilton .  The Expo is being held in the hotelballroom.  When you arrive, please go to the ballroom to sign in, pick upyour volunteer shirt and receive your assignment.  We will be near thepacket pick up area.  Please plan to arrive at least 30 minutes beforeyour shift to sign in, receive shirt and assignment.  This will allow fora smooth transition between shifts.

There are 2 places we recommend you park:

1)      The SpiralParking Deck (formerly Hess’s Deck) at 820-836 Linden St .  When you areentering the Spiral Deck, stop at the gate and press the button for a ticket tobe dispensed.  The entrance is on Linden St .  When you are ready toleave, the Linden St Exit gate will be open for you to go out withoutpaying.  Please note that the other exit leading to 8th St will not beopen.

2)      There is a flatlot behind the hotel.  The official address on the Parking Authority website is 923-933 Walnut Street .  To enter the flat lot behind the hotelyou need to get onto Walnut above 10th St and goeast.  This lot is next to the hotel’s parking deck.  The hotelparking deck charges a fee for parking and we can not reimburse you if youchoose to park there. 

Please be aware that most streets in this area are oneway.  Check a map of Allentown if you are not familiar with thearea. 

There will be road closures from 2:00-4:30:

1)      9th St from Lindento Walnut

2)      Hamilton from 8th to 10th

Pierogie Sale - 2014

Pierogie pick-up will be at 9:00 AM next Saturday, May 10th in theWesley Center Kitchen. The Wesley Center is the gym with the basketball courtthat is located on the left as you enter Asbury's main entrance; the kitchen isnext to the gym. Pick-up should be quick and easy as the orders will comepresorted. If you cannot make this time, please email Mrs. Morgan ASAP so that she can makealternative arrangements. 

I am in the process ofsetting up a pierogie sale for the month of April. Order forms will be due atthe Court of Honor on April 28th, and delivery will be on Saturday May 10. Thepierogies are hand-made, come in many different varieties and cost between $6-7a dozen. All of your sales profits will be placedin your scout account.

Order forms have been available at the Troop meetings.  If you are interested in selling, please make sure to pickup your order form!!!  For more details, contact Mrs. Morgan.

Aluminum Cans - 2014

The troop gathers aluminum cans all year round.  Bring in your rinsed, dried and crushed aluminum cans.


Trails End Popcorn - 2013

Popcorn selling has begun!

Order forms will be available from Mr. Harman at Monday night's meeting. Email me if you would like to get one sooner. Remember, scouts earn 37% profit on sales. Set a goal, practice your sales pitch, encourage your customers to support scouting by selling popcorn. Tell them your goal and what you plan to do with the money you are earning. (Summer camp, Philmont, membership dues, activities)

Important Popcorn Dates:
September 7:    Show and Sell at the WaWa on 2985 MacArthur Road. 10-2pm
September 29:   Show and Sell at Asbury 8:45-11:30
October 19:       Show and Sell at both Amelia's Grocery Outlet/Tilghman Square & Topstar express at the corner of Tilghman & Parkway . 10-2pm 
October 21:       Order Forms due by October 21st Court of Honor.
November 16:    Popcorn pick up at Asbury - Morning
November 25:    Popcorn Money due *Please submit one check,made out to Troop 12 on this date*
Bon-Ton Coupon Book- 2013
Bon-Ton coupon books Oct 21-Nov 15 ($5 each, over $500 value, 100% profit for Scouts)

Mrs. Harman here with anotherfundraising opportunity.  We are going to be selling Bon Ton CommunityDays coupon books.  The books are $5 and contain a $10 off a $10 purchasecoupon.  You will earn the entire $5 for your Scout account – Bon Ton doesthis as a way to give back to the community.  Please e-mail Mr. Harman andlet him know how many books you think you can sell.  Please do notoverestimate – we can always get more for you if you sell out.  If youdon’t know how many you can sell, 5 books would be a good start – you wouldjust have to sell to 5 people (family, friends, neighbors).  The couponsare good Friday, November 15th and Saturday, November 16th. If you want to read more about the coupon booklet, check out the link below.

Once I find out how many bookletswe want as a Troop, I will register us on-line and you will be able to sell toyour family & friends through the internet as well.  A person whowants to support Troop 12 will go to the Bon Ton website and bring up the listof participating organizations in Allentown , PA , and then choose Troop12.  Minsi Trails Council and another Troop are already participants, sothey will have to choose the correct group to sponsor.  Bon Ton will mailtheir coupon book to them for free.  If you do sell through the internet,then you will have to let us know how many booklets you sold that way in orderto get credit for your personal account.  If accounting the internetorders becomes a problem, then we will split the proceeds equally among theScouts who participate in this fundraiser.

Booklets will bedistributed at the October 21st Court of Honor.  Please let meknow (through e-mailing Mr. Harman) whether or not you will participate in thisfundraiser and how many coupon books you would like to sell.

Kuhsville Carwash Coupon Book- 2013
Kuhnsville Car Wash Coupons Nov 16-? ($10 each, 50% profit for Scouts)

I know we are in themiddle of the Bon-Ton fundraiser, but I need to start planning for the next onewith Kuhnsville.  If you would like to participate in selling Kuhnsvillecar wash $10 coupons to your family, friends, and neighbors, please let me knowhow many certificates you think you can sell.  Please DO NOT over-estimatethis one:  to maintain a good relationship with Kuhnsville, we need tosell what we ask for because it takes a good amount of time to prepare them andthey can't be re-used once our sale is done.  We can always ask for moreto be made up for us during the month we sell.  We will be selling frommid-November to mid-December; I'll give you the firm dates once I make myformal request with Kuhnsville.  The best way to promote this sale is tosell them as stocking-stuffers or gifts for the holidays.  Please let meknow by Wednesday (11/6) if you would like to participate and how many giftcertificates you are requesting.  Josh & Will both went door-to-doorlast time and had no problem selling 20 certificates each; however, because ofhis location (not really close to Kuhnsville) and neighbors who don't regularlyuse the car wash, Logan didn't have the same luck.  The best thing to doif you are not sure is to ask for 5 certificates; if you sell out quickly, youcan get 5-10 more and see how you do.  You will earn $5 for your Scoutaccount for each certificate you sell.

This is a great one tohelp your parents pay for your Scouting expenses - especially the Philmonttrip. 

You guys are doing great- keep it up!

Mrs. Harman

St. Luke's Half Marathon - 2013

Date:  Saturday, April 27, 2011

Time:  See below for your shift time

Location:  Holiday Inn at Center City Allentown - 

Where To Report:  Enter main hotel doors (along 9th street) and walk straight back to the Ballroom. Our station will be along the far back wall.

Parent Drop Off:  Parents dropping off scouts can do so in front of the hotel on Hamilton street. Main entrance to the hotel is along 9th street

Parking:  The Spiral Parking Deck (formerly the Hess’s Deck) at 820-836 Linden Street  GOOGLE MAP. When you are entering the Spiral Deck, stop at the gate and press the button for a ticket to be dispensed. The entrance is on Linden Street between 8th and 9th  GOOGLE MAP.  When you are ready to leave, the Linden Street exit gate will be open for you to go out without paying. Please note that the other exit, leading to 8th Street will NOT be open, this is done so that no one tries to enter from the 8th Street exit and ends up ascending the helix in the wrong direction. You can park in the Spiral deck and walk to the hotel. Please be aware that most of the streets in this area are one way. Please check a map of Allentown if you are not familiar with the area.

There is a flat lot behind the hotel (not the parking deck). The official address on the parking authority web site is 923-033 Walnut Street  GOOGLE MAP   To enter the flat lot behind the hotel, enter via Walnut Street which is one way east (toward Bethlehem). You will need to get onto Walnut above 10th street and go east. If you are not familiar with this lot, please check a map before you come - GOOGLE MAP  This lot is next to the hotel's parking deck

WARNING:  The hotel parking deck charges a fee for parking, and you WILL NOT be reimbursed if you choose to park there.

Troop 12 Responsibilities

  • Each runner receives one event bag. The runner gives us a ticket and we give him/her one event bag.
  • We are also responsible to breakdown/fold the boxes that these bags come in.
  • A scout is courteous, kind, helpful and friendly. Many runners are new to Allentown and we must make them feel welcome in our town.
  • Have fun!! All the participants are so happy.
  • The 3 hour shift goes fast.
Shifts:  The start time of each shift is indicated below. Please make sure you provide enough time to check in with your shift leader before the actual shift start time.
  • 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Includes Setup)
  • Mrs. Morgan   (TEAM LEAD)
  • Mr. Durfey
  • Mr. Prehl
  • Mr. Campbell
  • Tyler D
  • Will C
  • Max P
  • Tyler P
  • 11:30 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Mr. Mellen    (TEAM LEAD)
  • Mrs. Mellen
  • Mrs. Avila
  • Mr Dunn   (may be a bit late)
  • James M
  • Zach M    (may be a bit late)
  • 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM (Includes Clean-up)
  • Mrs. Kane     (TEAM LEAD)
  • Mr. Chappalear
  • Mrs. Zeller
  • Austin C.
  • Tristan R
  • Spenser K.
Attire:  Event provided T-Shirt MUST be worn during your shift. T-Shirts will be provided Saturday when you arrive.

More Information:  For more information, contact Mrs. Riola or Mrs. Morgan

Trails End Popcorn - 2012

The yearly popcorn sale is a great way for scouts and the troop to earn money.


Show and sell orders will be due MONDAY, AUG 20. There will be a second show & sell order date in September. For those of you unfamiliar with it, show and sell is the ability to order popcorn early. This way you will have the popcorn on hand and it is available for immediate delivery when your son sells it.

You can order the quantity you would like and if it is not sold it can be returned. Money for the show and sell orders is not due until November 2.


All popcorn orders are due at the Monday, October 29th troop meeting.


All popcorn pickup will be on or around November 17, 2012.


All popcorn order money is due on or before December 3, 2012.

Any questions please let me know.


Lynda Hassick