Court of Honors

Court of Honors are scheduled 4 times per year.

DATE: Jan 27, Apr 27, Jul 27, Oct 26
TIME: 7:00 - 8:30 PM
ROOM: Wesley Center - Downstairs of Asbury United Methodist Church (unless otherwise posted)

See the Troop Calendar for details.

A Court Of Honor (COH) is a troop activity where scouts and their families can come together. It is important for the scout and their family members to be there for all scouts receiving rank advancements, merit badges, and other awards. We hold only four Court of Honor’s a year and although we recognize that conflicts can occur, every effort should be made to attend so that we can give our scouts the attention and recognition they deserve.  Not everyone achieves rank advancements or merit badges at every COH however as a troop it is only fair to support and recognize each others achievements.  It is also important for eagle bound scouts to participate in a Court Of Honor because it does count towards the Second Class Req. 3a and First Class requirement 3.0. It is not a PLC or troop/patrol meeting.

For more information on COH and Eagle Scout COH please refer to page 39 of the 
Troop Manual.